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martes, 10 de noviembre de 2020

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From Steve Bannon To Millennial Millie: Facebook, YouTube Struggle With Live Video

Millie Weaver, a former correspondent for the conspiracy theory website Infowars, hosts nearly 7 hours of live coverage on her YouTube channel. Conservative influencers like Weaver who often broadcast live are increasingly worrisome to misinformation researchers.

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok have stepped up efforts to curb the spread of misinformation about the election, but researchers say falsehoods thrive nearly unchecked on live videos.

(Image credit: YouTube)

Atribución de la publicación original:

De: News : NPR
Publicación: https://www.npr.org/2020/11/10/933235773/from-steve-bannon-to-millennial-millie-facebook-youtube-struggle-with-live-video
URL: https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1001
Términos de búsqueda: Noticias, News, Venezuela, Mundo, World, Interesante, Deportes, Internacional, Ciencia, Gente, Entretenimiento
Fecha: November 10, 2020 at 07:09PM


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