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sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

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'Real Housewives of Potomac' husband Michael Darby charged with groping cameraman

In document, cameraman for Bravo reality show says Michael Darby "grabbed and groped" his backside while filming Sept. 1.


Atribución de la publicación original:

De: USATODAY - Life Top Stories
Publicación: http://rssfeeds.usatoday.com/~/571869030/0/usatoday-lifetopstories~aposReal-Housewives-of-Potomacapos-husband-Michael-Darby-charged-with-groping-cameraman/
Autor/Editor: Associated Press
URL: http://api-internal-usatoday.production.gannettdigital.com
Términos de búsqueda: Noticias, News, Venezuela, Mundo, World, Interesante, Deportes, Internacional, Ciencia, Gente, Entretenimiento
Fecha: September 28, 2018 at 11:24AM

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