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martes, 5 de junio de 2018

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Kim Jong Un's firing of top military leaders could mean armed forces not happy about N. Korea denuclearization

Kim Jong Un’s overhaul of his top military leadership a week before a planned summit with President Trump may be a sign that the North Korean leader is worried about opposition from the country’s powerful armed forces as he heads into the talks, some analysts said Monday.


Atribución de la publicación original:

De: USATODAY - World Top Stories
Publicación: http://rssfeeds.usatoday.com/~/550016312/0/usatodaycomworld-topstories~Kim-Jong-Unaposs-firing-of-top-military-leaders-could-mean-armed-forces-not-happy-about-N-Korea-denuclearization/
Autor/Editor: Jim Michaels, USA TODAY
URL: http://api-internal-usatoday.production.gannettdigital.com
Términos de búsqueda: Noticias, News, Venezuela, Mundo, World, Interesante, Deportes, Internacional, Ciencia, Gente, Entretenimiento
Fecha: June 04, 2018 at 02:43PM


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